Beautiful Bottoms Booty Lifting Underwear

Color: Nude
Size: Small/Medium
Nude / Small/MediumTI-PEYLUW-NUD-M8419171188424.0 oz
Nude / Large/XLTI-PEYLUW-NUD-XL8419171188595.0 oz
Black / Small/MediumTI-PEYLUW-BLA-M8419171188664.0 oz
Black / Large/XLTI-PEYLUW-BLA-XL8419171188735.0 oz
Warehouse NamePEYTON
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You've been doing squats, burpies, and cardio for months now and your backside still looks less than you had hoped. Have no fear and stop working so hard, we've got the perfect answer to your prayers and it doesn't include another single minute spent at the gym. Instead, slip on a pair of these babies and your booty will get all the lift it needs sans exercise. It's true, your bottom will look beautiful and create a sensation everywhere you go. All your gal pals will be desperate to know your secret to that booty-liscious bottom. We promise, your secret is safe with us.

  • Instant booty lift
  • Comfortable and discreet
  • Adjustable for the perfect fit
  • Available in Black or Nude